#100DaysOfHomeLab - Lazztech.Lab Open Source Announcement π

I've been an avid enthusiast of "self-hosting" open source & my own custom software for many years now. It's one of the first subjects I started blogging about. You can see the historical development of this hobby play out by looking at the posts tagged "homelab".

Through the pandemic, there's been an explosion of popularity on this subject and I couldn't be happier to see it! I like many started with a raspberry pi and slowly worked my way up to enterprise-level hardware & deployment configurations. Since then there have been tons of new resources on self-hosting software in your own home & managing the hardware involved in doing so.
Recently a video came out by a user named TechnoTim kicking off a new "#100DaysOfHomeLab" trend. The point of the #100Days trends is to commit to applying yourself to focus on a new skill, or routine, for 100 days & share your progress along the way. This has been popular for developers with #100DaysOfCode for a while now. It's now made its way to the selfhosting/homelab community. Below I've embedded the video and encourage you to check it out.
And this all brings me to the point of this post. I've already essentially done my #100DaysOfHomelab, or at least in my own way, many times over. And I've learned a lot of fun and exciting things from this process. And I'd like to share my enthusiasm about the hobby of selfhosting & homelabs by open-sourcing all of the Kubernetes scripts that I've developed, in my free time, that run my own home server & this site!
In that repo, you'll find documentation & dozens of Kubernetes scripts that I've written myself for various open-source services, that run on a Kubernetes server on my own homelab. I've licensed it with an MIT license to give back to the open-source community as a thank you for all of the excellent community-driven projects that I've lovingly had the opportunity to host on my own hardware. I hope that this can inspire even one person to go ahead and do their own 100DaysOfHomelab β€οΈ