June 2022 in Review

To read the last "month in review" post click the link below:

This June I focused on feature implementation & quality improvements. I eased off marketing, though I found that growth continued! I've gone from about 20 users before launching, to 40 users in May, and continued on to 60 users this June. This month feels the most significant for growth as I feel that I did much less to get the word out and continued to see new user sign-ups.
I've also seen that new users seem to be making Hubs, and these Hubs are being created by users all around the world! I attribute the largest amount of growth to Apple app store ad campaigns. I'm also pleased to see how the cost of installation has settled down to ~$.18 per install.

I've implemented an MVP for one of the top most requested features; Calendar Events. Along with this, I've made numerous improvements to the UI, for both creations of Hubs, and Events, & editing the two. However, I've yet to see much in the way of user adoption of this feature... Maybe I've missed the mark or need to more closely integrate the feature with Hubs?
I've also updated the banner image on the Android Playstore release to the lovely illustration used as the cover photo in this post.
My goal for the month of July will be to continue working on quality improvements, with a primary focus on consistency in quality between iOS & Android. Along with that, I think I'll be in a good state to resume focus on marketing, as I think I could use some continued user feedback at that point.
Of the avenues for marketing, I'll continue the Apple app store ad campaign, posting to IndieHackers.com, & will likely pursue other options. Top of my list for potential advertisement resources is Google Play Store promotions, Facebook/Instagram ad campaigns, & Youtube ads. I'm also curious about more up-and-coming platforms such as Snapchat or Tiktok ads.
Mind you I'm still only available to work on this, evenings & weekends, after my day job, so progress is slow and steady. However, I'm really pleased with how this project is coming along so far. I continue to get positive feedback and have been thoroughly enjoying the conversations that have come from reaching out to users. So far that has been the most rewarding aspect of this; to be able to share my craft with non-techy friends or acquaintances. I've been loving the response when I communicate how interested I am in hearing their feedback and that I'll very likely end up implementing their ideas.