Finished Events Feature - May 2023 - Passed 1.5k users 🌎

We've passed the 1.5k userbase milestone with users signed up and creating Hubs and Events all around the world. Along with this the final roadmap item for the year on the events feature set, geofences on events, was finished and shipped. So users will now be able to see who's currently checked in and present at their events 🎉

I've since begun working on some maintenance and bug/perf fixes. As I ship features I gradually incur new bugs and issues that require maintenance. I'll be making a pass over the entire codebase and resolving any issues I may find that have come up over the last few months of features. This will set me up to begin work on the next roadmap item, Media Sharing! This has been a long-awaited feature that I'm excited to work on and believe will add a lot of value for users and communities of the Lazztech Hub app.

Best wishes and thank you all for your continued support,

- Gian

Lazztech Hub Roadmap

  • Media sharing
    • Media sharing on hubs
    • Media sharing on events
    • User tagging in media
    • Media explore page
  • ✅ finish events feature
    • 05-18-2023 ✅ Geofences at events for presence count
    • 03-25-2023 ✅ Min & Max event capacity
    • 02-22-2023 ✅ Events at hubs
    • 02-22-2023 ✅ Prefilled hub as location when creating an event from the hub page
    • 01-19-2023 ✅ Admin invitees (ability to remove invitees)
    • 01-16-2023 ✅ Export calendar event ics web
    • 01-15-2023 ✅ Add events to calendar
    • 01-04-2023 ✅ Duplicate prior events
    • 01-02-2023 ✅ Lock event time selection to 15 or 30 minute increments
    • 01-02-2023 ✅ Default end date for events to one hour after the start set
    • Sync with calendar?
      • canceled pending user research
    • Import event from calendar
      • canceled until I can validate that this would be used
  • ✅ Improve invites
    • 02-02-2023 ✅ Invite everyone from an existing Hub or Event
    • 01-17-2023 ✅ Add search to people invite section
    • 01-12-2023 ✅ Alphabetize invite people section
    • 01-9-2023 ✅ QR invites
    • Import contacts for easier inviting
      • canceled until I can validate that this would be used
  • Improve Onboarding
    • ✅ remove walkthrough slides
    • new guided walkthrough
  • Rework notifications
    • 01-17-2023 ✅ Minimize notifications to only the essentials
      • Hub activation
      • Hub invites
      • Event invites
    • Fix duplicate notifications
    • Interactive notifications
    • Robust per Hub/Event notification preferences
    • Robust global notification preferences
    • Red notification count circle
    • Opt in check in / check out notifications
  • Publicly listed hubs & events
    • Search for public content
    • Filter public content by city/state
  • Ongoing bug fixes/improvements
    • 06-04-2023 ✅ Easier toggling of hub activity
    • 04-30-2023 ✅ Retina resolution on map tiles (vector maps)
      • canceled due to cost though may revisit later
      • revisited and solved on 04-30-2023 with open source vector based maping solution 🎉
    • 04-30-2023 ✅ Fix rounded corners on map card
    • 03-25-2023 ✅ New lines in hub/event descriptions
    • In app feedback/bug reporting
    • URL & socials on profile
    • URL on hub or event
    • Share user device battery level
    • "Automagic Check in / Check out" device setting status page
    • Share if user has geofences enabled for a given hub